Grief-fiti is a way for children and teens to illustrate their loss

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Chesapeake Life Center is excited to announce a new partnership that will help children and teenagers express their feelings around the loss of someone dear to them on canvas. The team of grief professionals will be working with Artsy Partsy in Pasadena in developing Grief-fiti in October. These interactive creative workshops invite kids to pair art activities with grief experiences and illustrate their grief, their way.

“It’s not uncommon to struggle with finding words while grieving, no matter your age. How does one name experiences of life and death that are often beyond something that fits in a word?” Chesapeake Life Center Bereavement Manager Amy Stapleton said. “For youth especially, creative expression is a means of release.”

You don’t have to be good at art or worried about getting it “right”. Everyone’s experience will be unique. Grief-fiti offers a safe space for kids and teens to have their grief acknowledged, whatever it looks or sounds like. Professional counselors will be there to guide children through conversations about grief as they connect with others who have also experienced loss.

The sessions will be held at the Artsy Partsy studios at 8055 Ritchie Highway, Suite 302, in Pasadena. The first session is for children ages 6 to 12 and will meet from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 5. The second session is for teens ages 13 to 18 and will meet from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Oct. 16. The cost is $10.

Pre-registration is required and must be completed before attending by calling 888-501-7077 or emailing For details on Artsy Partsy, visit


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